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Sunday Youthful Expressions

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Our youth are involved and visibly participate in our church service!


It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that one of the jobs of church leaders —both staff and volunteer — is to minister separately to kids and teenagers. But, at Chase United Methodist Church, we involve them in the Sunday morning service, every Sunday. We emphasize that we love them and, most importantly, that God loves them!


Our watchwords, as it pertains to our youth, are: communicate, teach, invest, and empower!


Bring your child to hear and learn about the goodness of God. It is never too early to teach our youth how fun church can truly be. And the most significant part is it teaches them how to be good stewards of people and the planet!


We talk with them, not at them! We have a conversation about God, about living, and about life!


Of course, the youth are not mature believers. They still have their questions and doubts. Their familiarity with the Bible leaves plenty of room for improvement, and they are still learning what it means to walk with the Lord. Teaching and investing go hand in hand. At Chase, we do our best to do both! The youth are a critical component to building God’s Kingdom.

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